Early Alert Plan Update and Environmental Monitoring Project, Atacama Salt Flat

Early Alert Plan Update and Environmental Monitoring Project, Atacama Salt Flat

SQM Salar S.A.

Antofagasta Region, Chile

  • Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Human environment
  • Indigenous communities
  • Baseline study
  • Early alert plans for water resources
Project Overview

The project involves one of the actions undertaken in the compliance plan in the context of ROL F-041-2016 penalty proceedings. The main objective is the environmental evaluation of the Contingency Plan modification, hereinafter Early Warning Plans (EWP), with an EWP being understood as an environmental management tool that triggers preventive measures aimed at preventing the established impact from being exceeded. It will also establish new monitoring plans for the relevant variables of the environmental system in the area where the project is located.

Project Role

SQM Salar S.A. retained Knight Piésold to advise on and support the preparation of an Environmental Impact Assessment for the “Early Alert Plan Update and Environmental Monitoring Project, Atacama Salt Flat," located in the Antofagasta Region, El Loa province, San Pedro de Atacama municipality.

Knight Piésold's consulting services included the following main elements:

  • Preparation of environmental baseline studies
  • Prediction and assessment of environmental impacts
  • Analysis of applicable regulations
  • Preparation of the mitigation and compensation measures plan together with the environmental monitoring plan