Production Capacity Increase of the El Way Mine

Production Capacity Increase of the El Way Mine

Cementos Bío Bío S.A

Antofagasta Region, Chile

  • Environmental impact assessment
  • Air quality modelling
  • Air emissions inventory
  • Baseline studies
Project Overview

The project corresponds to an amendment of the "Expansion of the Antofagasta INACESA Lime Plant" Project (Environmental Qualification Resolution 249/2002). It is intended to increase the annual production rate from 1,500,000 t/year to 3,186,000 t/year, which will sustain supply of limestone for different uses, such as limestone for lime, limestone for cement, as well as the production of aggregates, from the sterile material and low law limestone that is extracted from the quarry for the next 22 years.

Project Role

CBB S.A. retained Knight Piésold’s services to prepare an Environmental Impact Assessment for the "Production Capacity Increase of the El Way Mine" Project, located in the Antofagasta Region, province of Antofagasta, municipality of Antofagasta, specifically in the La Negra sector.

In order to prepare the Environmental Impact Assessment, Knight Piésold carried out the following studies and assessments:

  • Environmental baseline studies
  • Air quality analyses
  • Environmental impact prediction and assessment
  • Analysis of applicable regulations
  • Mitigation and compensation action plan together with an environmental monitoring plan