Knight Piésold RDC Receives Engineering Award for Hydropower Development at National Energy Conference
Knight Piésold RDC Receives Engineering Award for Hydropower Development at National Energy Conference

Knight Piésold RDC Receives Engineering Award for Hydropower Development at National Energy Conference

June 20, 2024, Lubumbashi, DRCKnight Piésold RDC was presented with an Engineering Award for hydropower development at the 7th edition of the National Conference on Energy in the DRC (NRJ 7), which took place at the GPM Katebi Lodge in Kolwezi from the 9th to 11th of May 2024. The award was received by Hugues Nkulu Ngoy, a senior hydrogeologist at Knight Piésold RDC, during the closing ceremony of the conference.

Knight Piésold RDC was awarded by the Federation of Enterprises of Congo (FEC, Fédération des Entreprises du Congo) for its contribution to hydropower development in the DRC. This confirms the company’s capabilities in offering high quality engineering and environmental services and contributing to the development of local projects through local and international expertise.

Organized by the FEC, the NRJ 7 conference was held with the theme “Celebration of New Sources of Electric Energy,” highlighting the diversity of infrastructure under development and rehabilitation across the country. It also included discussions on sector regulations, lithium and cobalt project developments, energy supply agreements, as well as investments in the DRC.

Key actors in the energy sector, including public institutions, investors, and stakeholders, gathered for the three-day conference, discussing solutions to support the increasing demand facing the country’s scarce power supply.

For nearly 20 years, Knight Piésold has been involved with hydropower projects in the country, ranging from feasibility studies to condition assessments, such as the Budana and Soleniama Hydroelectric Projects, Nzoro Hydroelectric Project, Sombwe Hydropower Project, and Ulindi Hydroelectric Project.

In addition, the company has been supporting mining operations in optimizing power system reliability and generating new sources of power. For the Kibali Gold Mine, Knight Piésold completed an audit of its existing hydro and diesel stations as well as transmission and distribution facilities and the detailed design and construction supervision of the award-winning Azambi Hydropower Project, which provides approximately 64 GWh of renewable energy to the mine and will become a legacy asset for future generations in the local communities once the mine has reached its end of life.

“At Knight Piésold, we mobilize local and global specialists to support clients in identifying and developing hydropower and other renewable sources of energy to meet the increasing demand of mining operations in the DRC, across Africa, and around the world,” said Robert Greyling, Technical Director of Water and Power at Knight Piésold Southern Africa.

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