The Upper Lillooet and Boulder hydroelectric projects are located approximately 60 km northwest of Pemberton, BC. The current monitoring network consists of seven stations, some of which have been in operation since 2013. Both projects were commissioned in 2018 with the assistance of Knight Piesold. Knight Piésold continues to support Innergex with ongoing data collection.
Knight Piésold is responsible for numerous aspects of hydrometric data collection for Innergex at the Upper Lillooet and Boulder projects, including site selection, instrumentation (selection and installation), continuous benchmark and cross-section surveying, and maintenance of a rigorous quality assurance program.
Various stream gauging techniques are employed, including velocity-area, tracer dye, and acoustic Doppler methods. Additionally, data acquisition is through a combination of satellite, and direct ethernet telemetry systems, providing real-time capabilities in support of these projects in even the most remote and harshest environments in BC.
Furthermore, Knight Piésold provides hydrologic analyses to support ongoing project permitting. Services provided include: