1,100 MW Site C Clean Energy Project

1,100 MW Site C Clean Energy Project

Peace River Hydro Partners

BC, Canada

  • Lead designer for the main civil works contract’s EPC component of works
  • Largest single contract for construction on the project
  • Temporary diversion work design
  • Fluvial geomorphology and sediment transport study
  • Environmental management plans
  • Haul, construction and permanent road design
  • Water management design
Project Overview

The Site C Clean Energy Project will be a third dam and hydroelectric generating station on the Peace River in northeastern BC. The project, which is owned by BC Hydro, will provide 1,100 MW of capacity, producing about 5,100 GWh of electricity each year—enough energy to power the equivalent of about 450,000 homes annually in BC.

In October 2014, the project received environmental approvals from the federal and provincial governments, and in December 2014, it received approval from the provincial government to proceed to construction.

Project Role

Knight Piésold is the lead designer for the main civil works contractor Peace River Hydro Partners (PRHP), a partnership between ACCIONA Infrastructure Canada Inc. and Samsung C&T Canada Ltd. BC Hydro awarded PRHP with the main civil works contract—the largest single contract for construction on the project—that includes the construction of an earthfill dam, two diversion tunnels, and a roller compacted concrete buttress foundation for the generating station and spillways. Construction of the project started in summer 2015 and completion is planned for 2025.

Knight Piésold completed environmental management plans and tender level and detailed designs and is performing construction supervision in a quality assurance role. Temporary diversion work designs include:

  • Stage 1 and Stage 2 Diversion cofferdams (6 in total) and EOR role
  • Instrumentation design of large cofferdams
  • Geotechnical site investigation for EPC work scope
  • Slope stability analysis and permanent MSE wall design
  • Design of material spoil storage areas
  •  Construction water management infrastructure and temporary diversion works including sediment pond, water retention ponds and PAG treatment ponds   
  • Access roads including haul and temporary construction access roads
  • Quarry development design and certification
  • Debris handling facility and debris boom designs for both Peace River and Moberly River
  • Roller compacted concrete spillway mix designs
  • Thermal analysis and control design
  • Rock and overburden slope support
  • Construction access design
  • Mechanically stabilized earth walls including construction equipment and crane pads
  • Dewatering works design
  • Conveyor corridor and foundation design

Along with undertaking the detailed design, Knight Piésold has maintained a full-time presence on site for construction monitoring since 2016. Knight Piésold has also carried out various geotechnical site investigations and instrumentation programs on-site since 2016.

Prior to construction, Knight Piésold worked with BC Hydro to assess changes in fluvial geomorphology and sediment transport as part of the environmental effects assessment and to develop a preliminary construction monitoring program for sediment and turbidity. Knight Piésold also designed and installed a suspended sediment and turbidity monitoring network along the Peace River that continues through the construction period.