Asmara Project

Asmara Project

Sunridge Gold Corp.


  • Four deposits with a single process plant and heap leach facility
  • Heap leach facility integrated within the tailings storage facility
  • Feasibility study
  • Water and waste management
  • Environmental and social impact assessment
  • Environmental and social management plans

The Asmara Project integrates six copper, zinc, gold and silver volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits, located near Asmara, Eritrea. The strategic mine plan utilizes both conventional open pit and underground mining methods with a single central process plant, tailings management facility, and heap leach facility.

Knight Piésold’s Role

Knight Piésold was retained to provide technical inputs into scoping studies and feasibility studies for the projects, including the design of the tailings and water management infrastructure. Knight Piésold has led key environmental and social baseline programs and completed the environmental and social impact assessment as well as the environmental and social management plans in conformance with the standards of Eritrea’s National Environmental Assessment Procedures and Guidelines and the International Finance Committee.