The Chang Shan Hao (CSH) Gold Mine is located in Inner Mongolia, China, approximately 210 km northwest of the city of Baotou. The CSH Gold Mine is a conventional open pit and heap leach mining operation. The mine commenced the Phase 2 expansion project in 2013 to increase ore processing capacity from 30,000 tonnes per day (tpd) to 60,000 tpd. Combined, Phases 1 and 2 heap leach pads have a capacity to handle 213 million tonnes of ore, containing approximately 4 million ounces of gold, and is the largest heap leach facility in China.
Knight Piésold was engaged to review and develop a cost-effective alternative layout for the Phase 2 heap leach pad expansion project in 2012. Knight Piésold subsequently completed detailed design drawings and prepared technical specifications and tender documentation for the Phase 2 heap leach pad expansion. Construction of the proposed heap leach pad follows in two stages: Phase 2A for the southern half that includes associated solution and events ponds in 2013, and Phase 2B for the northern half in 2014. Knight Piésold was retained to provide construction supervision and the following quality assurance and quality control services for the Phase 2 heap leach pad expansion project: