Jorge Chávez International Airport

Jorge Chávez International Airport

Lima Airport Partners S.R.L.

Callao, Peru

  • Aircraft noise monitoring stations
  • Environmental management certifications
  • Environmental certifications
Project Overview

The Jorge Chávez International Airport (AIJC, for its acronym in Spanish), located in the Constitutional Province of Callao, is undergoing an expansion, which includes the construction of a second runway, a new control tower, and a new passenger terminal, and other minor facilities, to meet the growing number of passengers and the demand for services. Given the characteristics of the project, it requires a permanent review of environmental management measures and even the implementation of new environmental management instruments.

Project Role

Since 2019, Knight Piésold has been advising Lima Airport Partners (LAP), AIJC concessionaire, on:

  • Technical aspects (physical, biological, social, and engineering) and legal issues related to its approved environmental management instruments (IGA, for its acronym in Spanish) in order to answer queries from the authorities and interpret them in the technical legal context.
  • Preparing aircraft noise monitoring stations, in order to determine technically viable monitoring points for each of the monitoring and surveillance sectors, through an evaluation of residual noise that considered measurements according to the ISO 20906:2009 standard.
  • Preparing and obtaining the environmental certification of the Supporting Technical Report (ITS, for its acronym in Spanish) of the Modification of the Environmental Impact Study for the expansion of AIJC, which included changes in the aircraft noise monitoring system with the GEMS system, the expansion of the load storage capacity, the changes in the source and demand of water for construction and operation, and the inclusion of a water transport line.
  • Preparing and obtaining the environmental certification of the Second Modification of the Environmental Impact Study for the expansion of AIJC, which includes, among other changes, the inclusion of a new fuel plant for the supply of aircraft, an electrical cogeneration plant, the Santa Rosa commercial development, and new hangars.