The Pierina Mine (UM Pierina) gold mine is located in the Callejón de Huaylas in the Peruvian Andes, approximately 10 kilometres directly north of Huaraz, Perú at an elevation of 4,100 metres.
Knight Piésold was retained by Minera Barrick Misquishilca S.A. (MBM) to prepare a pre-feasibility study (PFS) for closure of the heap leach facility (HLF), waste rock facility (WRF), and auxiliary infrastructure.
Knight Piésold adopted an integrated risk-based approach to identify, evaluate, compare, and ultimately select preferred closure options that mitigated risk exposure while exploring opportunities. This involved following a structured and phased approach that considered the interfaces and integration between key focus areas.
The work was executed through five main engineering tracks: water, geochemical, data, constructability, and soil cover.
Knight Piésold’s services included: