Design for a flour milling plant
Ingeniería de Registro de depósitos de relaves
Servicios de Ingeniero de Diseño (Design Engineer) para instalaciones de manejo de residuos mineros
Servicios de ingeniería para el depósito de relaves
Environmental and engineering services for an open pit iron ore mining operation
Engineering and environmental services for a proposed phosphate mining operation
Lead designer for the 400 MW pumped storage hydro project
Lead designer for 500 MW pumped storage hydro project
Lead designer for the main civil works contract's EPC component of works for the 1,100 MW clean energy project.
Designing for the decomissioning of four aging hydroelectric dams
Diseñador civil – geotécnico para Depósito B4
Diseñador civil – geotécnico para Depósito B3
Diseñador geotécnico para Depósito B2
Servicios de ingeniería para el depósito de relaves de Constancia
La asesoría y apoyo en la elaboración de un Estudio de Impacto Ambiental
La ingeniería de prefactibilidad del proyecto Muro Sur del Tranque Las Tórtolas
Un Estudio de Impacto Ambiental para el Proyecto “Aumento Capacidad de Producción Mina El Way”
Servicios de ingeniería para el depósito de relaves B3
Servicios ambientales para la ampliación de un aeropuerto internacional
La Ingeniería Básica del proyecto Ampliación IX Etapa Tranque Talabre
Estudios de impacto ambiental para el desarrollo de un nuevo depósito de relaves
Detailed design for a habitat conservation project
Engineering and environmental services for an RCC curved gravity dam
Detailed design and construction supervision of a run-of-river hydroelectric project
Feasibility study for a hydroelectric project
Engineer of Record for an historical tailings facility
Filtered tailings storage facility design
Detailed design of tailings storage facility
Estudio de prefactibilidad del cierre de toda la operación
Detailed design and construction monitoring of the Polihali Transfer Tunnel
Design, construction supervision, and commissioning for wastewater treatment works
Detailed design and construction supervision for a water infrastructure project
Full engineering for road rehabilitation
Development of a new tailings storage facility
Estudio ambiental de línea base
Ingeniería de detalle para el transporte y distribución de relaves, sistema de bombeo y recuperación de agua
Design and coordination of all civil and structural components for services corridor
Asphaltic seal replacement
Development of 16 MW run-of-river hydroelectric project with multiple intake structures on different creeks and tributaries
Bankable feasibility design for a hydroelectric plant
A 1,333 MW hydropower scheme designed to augment the National Grid during peak power usage periods
Feasibility study for a hydropower scheme and power station expansion
Asistencia técnica y gestión ambiental para los activos de petróleo y gas
Site-wide geotechnical site investigation program and analysis for a liquefied natural gas project
Environmental and social impact assessment for a liquefied natural gas project
Evaluación económica preliminar
Estudios ambientales de línea de base para los pozos de extracción de hidrocarburos
Emergency spillway development
Specialist engineering and design and construction services for an operating gold mine
Design and construction supervision of the N2 freeway
Media report of road surface condition
Ingeniería de detalle de la fase 6 del sistema de lixiviación en pilas
Assessment and alternatives evaluation for selection of a new tailings disposal area
Detailed design for a 4 Mtpa tailings storage facility
Design and commissioning of a break head tank and energy recovery facility
Detailed design and construction supervision for a 45 MW run-of-river hydroelectric project
Amendment of an approved Environmental Management Programme and an update of an Integrated Water Use License Application
Independent tailings facility inspection and stability assessment
Actualización de la evaluación del impacto ambiental del proyecto
Feasibility study and design for a pilot plant project
Hydrometric data collection and hydrologic analyses
Diseño hidráulico y estructural de las estructuras hidráulicas
Identification of potential sites in Bute Inlet and development of the overall clustering concept to make the project economically attractive
Design and construction monitoring for pump-set replacement
Design and construction supervision of the tailings storage facility
Construction of new sewer lines and related infrastructure
Heap leach pad design for bankable feasibility study
Environmental and social impact statement
Geomechanical, geotechnical, and hydrogeological services to support pre-feasibility and feasibility studies
Engineering and environmental services for a gold-copper mine
Geotechnical investigations for an open pit iron ore mine
Engineering and environmental services for an open pit gold mining project
Decant system design and support for a tailings storage facility
Environmental and social impact assessment
Structural condition assessments for water treatment works
Geotechnical infrastructure and construction QA/QC
Detailed design of a Stage 7 Raise to the existing Tailings Storage Facility 1
Detailed design and construction QA/QC for the Far East Tailings Storage Facility
Detailed design and construction QA/QC for a tailings storage facility
Aquatic bio-monitoring at 19 wastewater care works
Owner's engineer for a 247 MW hydroelectric project
Pre-feasibility study and stream gauging for a proposed 15-30 MW run-of-river hydroelectric project
Specialist engineering support for a gold mine
Actualización del plan de cierre conceptual de la mina y estimación de costos
Aseguramiento de la calidad para la ampliación de la presa de relaves
Structural repairs for conveyor's main support trestle
Final design and construction services for a copper mine project
Detailed design and construction quality assurance for six hydroelectric facilities
Detailed design for a 235 MW run-of-river hydroelectric development
Assessment study to implement output and performance-based road contracting
Rehabilitation and provision of NMT and IRT infrastructure
Detailed design and construction supervision of a tailings storage facility extension
Aquatic bio-monitoring for an underground platinum mine
Copper mine site support and monitoring
Aquatic monitoring at six wastewater treatment works
Engineering and water license application for a coal-fired power station
Detailed design and site supervision of a medical clinic
Construction of civil infrastructure and buildings
Construction of a new fire station
Construction and upgrading of 16 bridges
Design for a siphon decant replacement system
Landfill site expansion and environmental impact assessment
Detailed design and construction supervision of a 50 MW run-of-river hydroelectric facility
Ingeniero del propietario para una instalación hidroeléctrica de 20 MW
EPC contractor for TSF outfall pipes and decant tower sealing
Comprehensive mine wide corrosion integrity audit of surface infrastructure
Continuation report including design updates and detailed closure plans for a copper mine
Road upgrade and bridge construction
Design and tender documentation for a road upgrade
Engineering and surveying studies used to provide planning for a copper mine
Conceptual closure plan and cost model
Lead civil engineering works for road reconstruction and upgrade
Detailed design and construction supervision for an industrial zone
Flood risk assessment for a township development
Investigation and design for a new bulk sewer line
Estudio de impacto ambiental para un proyecto propuesto de cobre y oro
Estudio de impacto ambiental para una mina propuesta
Estudio de impacto ambiental para un proyecto hidroeléctrico propuesto
Owner's engineer for a 150 MW run-of-river multi-purpose hydroelectric and water transfer scheme